Cemetery Steward Program

Historic cemeteries are an incredible cultural resource and provide a vivid record of community history.

The City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation and Parks & Recreation Department have partnered to create the Cemetery Steward Program, which trains volunteers in hands-on cemetery conservation and documentation in the City’s Historic Eastside Cemeteries. Cemetery Stewards survey cemetery resources, complete conditions assessments, and clean cemetery monuments and markers.

The Historic Eastside Cemeteries are also referred to as the Historic City Cemeteries and are designated in the National Register of Historic Places as the Old San Antonio City Cemeteries Historic District. The historic district is bound by Crockett Street on the north, Nevada Street on the south, New Braunfels Avenue on the east, and Pine Street on the west. The district is bisected by East Commerce Street.

Haven't visited the Historic Eastside Cemeteries before? Need more information? Visit the City of San Antonio Parks & Recreation website and learn more.

For location information, take a look at the Historic City Cemeteries Map or visit The Cultural Landscape Foundation's entry for the Eastside Cemeteries.