Historic Homeowner Handbook

Caring for a historic home shows a commitment to preserving the story of San Antonio's unique history. Historic preservation is a key component to urban revitalization, especially in San Antonio. It’s a tool for neighborhood and community stabilization, and is connected to broader strategies of land use, smart growth, sustainability and job creation.
In historic districts, The Office of Historic Preservation reviews everything from retaining walls and landscaping to new construction and additions. Reading about the application process before you start planning your project is immensely helpful. Staff recommendations are based on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, the City of San Antonio's Unified Development Code (UDC), and the City of San Antonio Historic Design Guidelines. These are important resources for all applicants to review prior to starting your project.
The Historic Homeowner Handbook, created by Office of Historic Preservation staff, helps explain these resources in depth. Read on to learn more! For additional links to the resources above, please visit OHP's Design Review page.